Foreign Direct Investment

EDB strives to foster sustainable relationships with investors seeking to expand or relocate their organizations to the UAE, enabling them to tap new markets and capitalize on opportunities.


Empowering Global Investors

Our services include long-term loans, working capital and trade finance facilities, cash management solutions, and financial market solutions.

  • Funding in AED and USD
  • Ability to lead arrange debt financing with a group of banks for large scale projects (debt requirements exceeding USD 100M)
  • Linkage to the “Make It In The Emirates” program
  • Connectivity to Department of Economic Development and Free Zones, such as KEZAD, ADIO, TECOM, Sharjah FDI
  • Ability to facilitate introductions with licensing authorities
  • Provide guidance on Golden Visa regulations 
  • Support from the Business Lab:

For any inquiries fill out the application form here, and we'll get back to you. Alternatively, you can reach out to us directly at 800-272-74

What are the eligibility criteria?

  • Global companies planning to move or expanding to the UAE
  • Minimum turnover equivalent to AED 100M or higher
  • Global companies with a track record of 3 years or more

What are the requirements?

  • Project Feasibility study (technical & financial)
  • Project should fit in the 5 sectors
  • Global parent group support until project stabilization

What are the financing options available?

  • Term loans (AED or USD) – up to AED 300M on a bilateral basis, benchmarked to EIBOR or SOFR
  • Trade Finance facilities to finance import of equipment
  • Working capital facility
  • Interest rate hedging 

What are some FDI examples supported by EDB?

  • Financing capital expenditure for setting up greenfield manufacturing facility in UAE for an FMCG from India
  • Capital expenditure and working capital facilities for an AgriTech company from Netherlands
  • Equipment financing for a global shipping company expanding operations in the UAE
  • Capital expenditure and working capital facilities for a specialized pipe manufacturing company from Spain

Empowering your business

Start your journey today – Click to register your interest and make it happen

empowering your business

Empowering your business when you need it most

From account set up to financing business needs

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