Bridge your working capital gaps by optimizing your cashflows with our supply chain finance solutions.
Our supply chain finance solutions allows early payment to suppliers on your behalf which in turn will help you optimize your working capital requirements and facilitate prompt payments to the suppliers.
This also brings additional host of benefits including reduced financing costs as you only pay for what you use and helps strengthen your relatioships with your suppliers.
Overall supply chain finance can help create a stronger and more sustainable market place by promoting trust and transparency through more affordable financing and resilient supply chain.
Contact our Supply Chain Finance team today or click on this link here to find out more.
What are the eligibility criteria for obtaining financing?
The eligibility criteria varies depending on the nature of business but, generally, the businesses are evaluated on factors such as credit worthiness, business viability, and alignment with EDB's strategic objectives.
How can I apply for financing?
Complete our initial application form here and our teams will reach out to you shortly.
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From account set up to financing business needs
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